Instructions for Presenters


The official language of the ELECTRONICS Conference is English.


1) PC (Microsoft Windows and MS Office).
2) Projector.
3) Presenter.

You may bring your presentation on a USB stick and use our PC.

Presentation template

PPTX template for Conference Presentation (TBA)

Presentation time and form

Invited papers: 45 minutes, including discussion.
Contributed papers: 18 minutes, including discussion:

  • We recommend that your slide presentation takes about 10 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for speaker introduction and questions from the audience. Do not read directly from the slide during your presentation.
  • You should not need to prepare a written speech, although it is often a good idea to prepare the opening and closing sentences in advance.

Some of the lecture presentations will be given in large lecture halls. We recommend that you prepare your slides according to the following guidelines to ensure that the entire audience will be able to see your presentation:

  • Lettering: a minimum font (type) size of 24 points (capital letters at least 6 mm high) should be used.
  • Spacing: a minimum of 5 mm of blank space should be left between lines; more is preferable. Leave as much "white space" as possible to make the lines easily readable. Following these guidelines, you will easily be able to put as much information on the slide as your audience can absorb in one minute. Remember, you can expand upon some points in your lecture presentation; the slides need not contain every minor piece of information. It is more important that they be easily readable by the audience.